The Last Starchild

Over 13 billion years ago, A girl was born.
The Last and Only Starchild was brought upon the cosmos.
She wandered the stars, giving life to planets.
(She didn't put life on the planets, she actually gave the planets themselves life.)
As of recent times, she has been spotted on Earth.
Many ghost sightings can be attributed to her.
Ever have something in your house move without your input?
She was there, did you see her?
(Just for clarification, not all ghost sightings and paranormal events are caused by The Last Starchild.
Most ghost sightings are just regular spooky ghosts.)

Despite her ghastly appearance, she is quite friendly, often acting as a type of guardian angel to those in need.
A guiding and caring presence. A light in the dark.
Have you ever found yourself in a bad situation, only for things to suddenly improve?
You can thank her for that!