A conversation with myself.

So it finally happened.



I knew it was coming sooner or later ever since she went private.

It hit harder than it should have because I knew we were next in line.

I suppose everyone hates us now?

Us? Me? You?

*sigh* This whole us being each other thing is confusing.

Just say us. And I'm not sure if they do.

In fact I'm not sure what they think of us now.

I'm not sure what I think of us anymore.

I know it's not our fault we're like this, but I still can't help but feel that way.

I know.

Are they going to have the same reaction to this as they did to him in 2015?

He had his own problems beyond some weird f████.

And besides, that was a decade ago, things have changed, right?

I'm scared.

I know.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared too.

Scared that everything we've worked so hard for is going to be ruined because of a stupid fucking f████.

I don't want this to be all we're known for.

Ironic coming from you.

All you're known for then.

"Dripware dev is actually a gross piece of shit".

"Julia Sesame? More like Julia S███ F████".

If we're not the laughing stock of the internet right now then we got very fucking lucky.

We've been through a lot. We'll survive this too.

I hope you're right.

I wish we didn't have to hide.

I wish it could be seen as normal.

Someone normal makes NSFW content and it's no big deal, just another day on the internet.

But when it's someone like us, everyone goes fucking apeshit.

Hey, lets just watch the clouds for a while, okay?

It might help with the stress, even if it's just a little.

I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to break everything in sight.

We could always start fresh.

No, that's the cowards way out.

And I don't want to start over.

We worked so hard to get here in the first place.

I don't want to waste that.